Property css

In many different places in the API you can use the css property to change the style of HTML elements. You may for example use this property in the very top level of the JSON document to change the style of the entire email, inside the content property to change the styling of the 580px wide centered content, and in many blocks to change the styling of the blocks. This css JSON property expects an object with styling properties that will be directly copied into a style attribute of an HTML element.

An important word of warning

All the CSS rules that you set in the css property, will be directly applied as inline CSS to the HTML element. When using your own custom CSS, you must be aware that it might break the email lay-out or responsiveness in some clients, especially when you use more exotic css properties. We therefore advise you not to use the css property at all, and stick with the tested and documented properties.

Because the css property can be used in so many places, we stick here with just a number of examples. Keep in mind that there are many more places where this property can be used.

Example 1: Specify CSS on the email template outer body table

The outer wrapper table acts like the HTML body of your email. Most email clients will strip out the <body> tag. That's why most HTML emails, including the emails generated with this API, have a 100% * 100% outer wrapper table. This enables you for instance to change the background color surrounding the email.

    "from" : "", 
    "subject" : "Example mail 1",
    "css" : {
        "background-color" : "red"

Example 2: Specify CSS on the email template inner wrapper table

Emails generated by the API have a fixed width of 580px and are centered on the screen. It is possible to define your own custom CSS for this 580px wrapper table, by setting the property css inside the content property. CSS will be directly applied as inline CSS styling to the <td> of this table.

    "from" : "", 
    "subject" : "Example mail 2",
    "content" : {
        "css" : {
            "border" : "2px solid red",
            "display" : "inline-block"

Example 3: Specify custom CSS on individual blocks in your email

The property css is also available in specific block within the content section. It will then be directly applied to the element. For instance, in an image block, the css specified within img.css will be directy applied to the html <img> tag.

    "from" : "", 
    "subject" : "Example mail 3",
    "content" : {
        "blocks" : [ {
            "type" : "image",
            "img" : {
                "css" : {
                    "margin-right" : "10px",
                    "border" : "2px dashed pink"
        } ]

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