Column behavior on mobile devices

Adding columns to an email template is simple: uses a fluid grid with twelve cells. This makes it possible to add up to twelve columns in a single row. These columns are given the same width by default. The JSON below shows an email with two columns. In the left column we placed a text-block, and gave the column a size of "8", in the right block we added an image-block with a size of "4". This way the columns fill up all of the 12 cells in the grid. The left column fills 2/3 of the grid and the right column 1/3.

    "from" : "",
    "subject" : "Email with two blocks side by side",
    "content" : {
        "blocks" : [{
            "type" : "columns",
            "columns" : [{
                "size" : 8,
                "blocks" : [{
                        "type" : "text",
                        "content" : "I'm just a text block within a column."
                "size" : 4,
                "blocks" : [{
                        "type" : "image",
                        "src" : "",
                        "alt" : "example image" 

In the desktop client this will show text on the left side of the email and an image on the right. In the mobile client this will place the text above the image. Often you'll want the image to show first, to attract the attention of the reader to the article. Because of the way responsive emails work, you will have to add an image block to the left column in order to show it first on mobile clients.

Column placement on desktop clients (left) and mobile devices (right)

Keeping text below images in the mobile version of your email

The image above shows column behavior on mobile devices, however if you create multiple columns and try to recreate the behavior in the image, the second image will be displayed below the second image. A column can consist of multiple blocks, so if you do not want image1 and image2 to stack on top of each other, but keep the text underneath them, you should place both the image and the text in a single block. If you create two separate columns the images will stack first and the text afterwards. In order to get your email to behave like the one in the example, the JSON has to look something like this:

    "type": "columns",
    "columns": [{
            "blocks": [{
                    "type": "image",
                    "src": ""

                    "type": "html",
                    "content": "<p>Example text.</p>"
            "size": "6",
            "background": {
                "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"

            "blocks": [{
                "type": "image",
                "src": ""
            }, {
                "type": "html",
                "content": "<p>Example text.</p>"
            "size": "6",
            "background": {
                "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"
    "background": {
        "color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"

All content in columns will collapse downward starting with the column furthest to the right. This means that the content in the first column (on the left side) will always be the content that is shown first on mobile devices. Even when you have twelve columns in a single row they will all collapse and scale towards the full width of the smartphone. Always keep this in mind when using columns in the service.

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